850 King St W #20
Oshawa, ON L1J 8N5

If you are involved with planning and supporting a person to be a fuller member of their community and need a practical approach that works, this workshop is for you!
This is an interactive workshop, presented by Janet Klees, for those who are serious about exploring and discovering the opportunities for welcome, engagement, and relationship that abound in our communities. This day will include stories to stretch your imagination, a basic framework that you can begin to use today, some tips and ideas on support basics from a practitioner of 30 years, and some time for problem solving and brain storming for your own purposes.
This workshop combines a good, principled framework with a practical, straight forward approach for bringing about the two elements that will make the most significant difference in peoples’ lives: valued roles and relationship.
In this hands-on practical event we will plan, practice and polish setting up and supporting our own contexts that work. Starting with where you are at, we will find ways to make poor situations good, make good situations better, and shape a few situations to be the best. We will also explore good support strategies, developing natural supports, and have plenty of time to think about and work on your own examples and situations.
The workshop is based upon the belief that when our communities are able to invite, welcome and appreciate the contributions of its most vulnerable members, we all benefit. Communities need support to discover these contributions. Supporters need a vision of possibility, a sound approach and effective strategies to take action.
October 5, 2023 – 9:30oam to 3:30pm (lunch included)
In-person at the Gathering Place – 20-850 King St. W, Oshawa