20-850 King St W
Oshawa, ON L1J 8N5

The Family Support Network for Employment is hosting a series of webinars highlighting findings, best practices, and challenges regarding employment for individuals with intellectual disability. Come together with other families to watch these webinars, learn and discuss the information presented, and see what is helpful together. Join us for one, two, or all three events!
We are pleased to be joined by Joe Dale, past Executive Director of the Ontario Disability Employment Network, who has spent his career in this area. Each webinar focuses on a different topic surrounding employment and feature different guest speakers. Spaces are limited for each event, RSVP today! We hope you can join us and look forward to the information and discussion!
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 – “On your own” is not fair to families
The first webinar discusses the impact that adequate policies and practices have on the lives of individuals with intellectual disability and their families when accessing and retaining meaningful and competitive jobs.
Speakers: Diane Richler Former President of Inclusion International and Ines E. de Escallon key player in the Family Support Network for Employment.
Monday, March 9, 2020 – Employment opportunities for All. Are we there yet?
Allen Anderson discusses the essential elements of best practices of employment for individuals with intellectual disability who need “third party” support.
Speaker: Allen Anderson President at Dover Training Group (DTG) and Brad Horne from Leading into New Careers (LINC). Facilitator: Ines E. de Escallon key player in the Family Support Network for Employment.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 – Mobilizing Change
The final webinar highlights best practices from across Canada and identifies the need for allies to mobilize change.
Speakers: Bruce Uditsky from Inclusion Alberta and Keenan Wellar from LiveWorkPlay in Ottawa. Facilitator: Kimberley Gavan Executive Director at Brockville District Association for Community Involvement.